words for armor

Nightmare [tms - bradmag]

Bradley woke up startled. Her eyes were taking too long to get used to the dark of the room. For a moment she thought she was at the hotel again. That’s what she was dreaming about, or not exactly what, but that’s where her dream was happening.

The hotel room. Her brother was… She shuddered as she recalled the image her brain formed. It was better not to think about it. Bradley reached for her phone, the screen lit up, making the room light enough that she could see it.

It was far from the dark colors of the hotel. It was… hers.

It had been hers for the last 6 or 7 months. Bradley was finding it hard to keep track of time. Lockdown happened, and it didn’t last 15 days like everyone seemed to think it was going to. It was then that Bradley had decided she needed a place to live. She needed more space now that she was spending the entire day inside her room.

Buying an apartment and moving to it was surprisingly fast. And even though she had to live a few weeks without much furniture, and even though she had to paint the walls herself, Bradley felt comfortable there.

Feeling calmer now that she was certain she was at her house, Bradley moved outside the bed. It was too close to 3am, she wouldn’t be able to get good sleep. So she made the decision to go make coffee. Bradley moved through her kitchen with ease. She moved her coffee and food to the balcony near the kitchen to eat. It had become a habit of hers.

It took a second before her phone lit up, Maggie’s name showing up on the screen. Bradley looked confused at the phone. Then looked at the building right in front of hers.

Bradley was in the new apartment for a total of 2 days before she got a text from Maggie. It said “Welcome to the neighborhood”. Bradley did not answer. The very next day she saw Maggie. In the building right across from hers. Eating alone on her balcony. Which was right in front of Bradley’s. Bradley herself was also about to eat on her balcony, deciding to stay away from screens for at least the time she was eating.

It was a bit awkward at first. And Bradley had thought better then. Deciding to answer Maggie’s text.

Bradley wasn’t sure if it was the loneliness that made her reach out.

She wasn’t sure if it was loneliness making Maggie actually entertain her texts.

It started while they were having dinner, on the balcony. It seemed dumb not to talk during that time. Since they were seeing - kinda - each other.

But after a few minutes of texting, Maggie had made the decision to call.

“I can’t text properly; this is easier” Maggie had said.

And it was not only easier to talk. But it was easy to talk to Maggie. Too easy.

Bradley was sure, for the first few months, that Maggie was actually playing some kind of long game; trying to get information about UBA, or Alex, or even her. For months Bradley had fought against herself, trying not to get too close. Trying not to share too much.

Blaming herself every time she would talk about personal things. Even though right at the beginning Maggie had told her everything they talked was off limits. Bradley had agreed on it too, she would never think of using it against Maggie either.

Dinner with Maggie became part of her routine. It became the favorite part of her day too, even if she would not admit it out loud. But it was also the only time they talked during the day. So to see that Maggie was calling made Bradley nervous. Bradley picked up the phone after a few seconds, when she realized she probably should.


“Is everything alright?” Maggie asked right away.

Bradley felt her heart beat fast in her chest.

“I… Yes, I’m fine. I just had a nightmare.” Bradley said, not knowing exactly what to expect.

“I saw your lights were on, I’m usually going to sleep at this time…” It was clear to Bradley that Maggie did not think before speaking, that she didn’t want to assume to Bradley that she thought of her throughout the day.

“I dreamed of my brother. He was screaming at me.” Bradley confessed.

“I’m sorry.” Maggie said. And they stood in silence for a moment. Before Maggie broke it with “Do you want me to come?” Maggie asked.

“Here?” Bradley asked, it felt like an impossible thing.

“I’ve been in isolation for a month now; it’s been a good 3 weeks since I got tested. I don’t go out. I know you don’t either. It’s not like it’s a big risk.” And it seemed to Bradley that Maggie had been thinking about it. She thought back on the other conversations they had, Maggie saying she would cook for Bradley, or teach Bradley how to cook certain foods. The way they kept making plans to see each other, in the future. Bradley realized then that Maggie was actually planning to see her, in person. While Bradley herself had thought of it as something to do in the future. After the pandemic.

It was close to midnight. Bradley had woken up, from another wet dream, frustrated. She knew she had to go back to sleep, and yet. And yet, she could not stop thinking about Maggie’s voice.

It happened so fast. Maggie had said something about kissing Bradley and Bradley had answered by saying Maggie should take her to a date first, and Maggie had answered it by saying she would. Bradley would’ve expected it to be awkward, but Maggie had just continued on. It wasn’t the first time they’d said something of the type. Maggie flirted a lot, she was subtle about it at first, too subtle for Bradley who just did not flirt back. It had caused a whole conversation of Maggie apologizing for it thinking Bradley did not answer it cause she was uncomfortable. Bradley had laughed then, she was sure her face had become completely red as she explained to Maggie that she wasn’t aware of it. But she did not mind it at all, Bradley had reassured Maggie.

So now, laying down in her bed, frustrated, Bradley did what she had secretly thought of doing before, she called Maggie.
Maggie did not finish saying hello before Bradley said “I can’t sleep.” She did not hide her frustration from her voice.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Maggie asked.

“No, I want to cum,” Bradley said. Maggie laughed. Just then Bradley realized what she was doing.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have…” Bradley started, but Maggie did not let her finish her phrase.

“Let me help. You’re in bed, right?” Maggie’s voice had just become lower. After Bradley finally answered, she continued. “You’re going to do exactly as I say, and you’re only going to cum when I say you can. Do you understand?” Bradley’s ‘yes’ was out of her mouth before she could even think of it.

“Good girl.” Maggie had praised. When she hung up the phone, she was satisfied and sleep came easy to her.

Maggie did not mention the night again. Neither did Bradley.

“You don’t have to agree with it if you’re not comfortable, Bradley.” Maggie’s voice pulled her from her own mind.

“I know I don’t have to. But I want to. If you want to, I mean, if you’re comfortable with it.” Bradley facepalmed, not really believing she was so damn weird about it.

“I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”

Maggie was there in less than 10. Bradley stood with her door open, looking at the elevator’s display. Counting the numbers in it as it brought Maggie closer to her.

When the woman finally arrived, Bradley felt like she was still in dream. A good one, this time, as she held Maggie’s hand to pull her inside the apartment.

“So this is my house…” Bradley said awkwardly. “You’re actually the first person to come visit. Do you want coffee?” Bradley asked, as she moved towards the kitchen. But Maggie’s hand held hers, pulling her back. They stood face to face. Maggie’s other hand held Bradley’s face. Maggie actually stepped forward, so they were closer than before.

“I want to kiss you first, if you don’t mind.”

Bradley did not answer it, choosing to close the gap between them herself.

#bradleymaggie #fanfic #lamb!alphabets #one shot #the morning show